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1/12/16 Warm-up


We typically write and read specific genres in everyday life without realizing it. After reading the assigned pages for this course, I became more perceptive of this. Where it is seen more clearly is with the academic genres I read; I read a part of a book about the Islamic religion for one of my Honors IFS courses written by my professor as well as part of a book for my Ancient Science course. I proceeded to take notes, writing in an academic genre of note-taking, though it was more relaxed as there were no specific guidelines to meet, just general ones students typically abide by. For my last course of the day, I received a paper I had written last semester-a research paper-and this is the genre I had written and now was reading in. Apart from my academic environment, I also wrote down assignments and dates in my planner. I used social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat as well as text messages and emails that fall under a technological communication genre. The reason I used different genres is because my purposes for writing were different in each setting, whether academic or for myself, etc. Correlated with this were my audiences, which varied from professors to friends, etc.


Ch. 1 Practice


As studied, the genre that one utilizes varies depending on the environment of the platform. I chose to post the first photo on Twitter because I am typically more relaxed on twitter and do not put much thought into the picture itself but rather the meaning. I chose to add two emojis of  the French and Spanish flags, expressing to my audience, who are my followers and friends on twitter, in a short caption that this is where I would like to study abroad.                                                              


For the second photo, I chose to post it on Instagram because the picture was “artsier”, if you will. This concept consists of a picture of something with a bigger meaning and a nice filter and has become popular among Instagram users. Because of this I added the caption, “Perspective” as I am on top of a hill showing how glorious it looks in comparison to those struggling to surpass it, kind of relating to where one is in life. Overall, the picture on Twitter was more relaxed, simply showing my interests, and the picture on Instagram showed a more pensive side of myself.
































1/14/15 Breaking Down Project 1


As Jessica approaches her essay titled, "The Pen", she states her goal of the essay and of her life is to fight for the equality women deserve. Through this, I found the theme to be overcoming and specifically overcoming with writing, a skill achieved through education-the education that women deserve. Jessica analyzes the genres of tv-alluding to music and art-speeches, novels, poetry, and dictionaries. 


The writing style in this piece is very evident as each section begins with a word in bold, divided up, like words typically are in a dictionary and are then defined. Each genre the writer analyzes shows me a part of who she is. I see how a tv show shaped her and influenced her as a person for reasons deeper than one might think, demonstrating she is an inquirer. Her quotes pulled from speeches by respectable people and awareness of key authors portray that she looks to experts because she truly cares about this issue. Her poetry demonstrates that the rights awarded to women, such as writing, has developed her critical thinking skills and interest in social activism. Ultimately, the style of a dictionary demonstrates her interest and advocacy for female education.


My favorite part of the essay would probably have to be the section under the definition of feminism. Jessica's writing style in this section is captivating, as she abruptly grabs the reader's attention with vulgarity, drawing attention to the gravity that feminisim is a word that causes people to cringe.


I found myself asking whether the section defining "voice" was a stylistic choice considering nothing is written under it. One thing I might change is adding something under it just because it confused me, though I caught on later that it might tie into her point of women being voiceless.


Extra Credit


Question 6: When I was younger I explored various career options for myself: veterinarian, teacher, dentist, professional figure skater, but I remember reaching an age around 10 and having a conversation with my parents. My father told me I argued so much that I would make a great lawyer. As I kept growing, my parents would continue to tell me the same. I thought to myself, "Huh, maybe, but I don't know what kind of law I would practice... I'm not really into criminal law, and I'm not even sure if I want to go up in front of a jury." Around this time, my parents and I were gaining our residency in the United States, leading me to ask them various questions about our situation and the whole immigration process. We had lived in this country for over ten years and still hadn't received our residency while my uncle in Florida had been living in this country for about half that amount of time and had already gained his citizenship. I would go to my parents' jobs with them at Dallas Independent School District's schools and was exposed to the population of children belonging to families with unstable economic situations. I saw the hope and drive this population had: the parents who wanted their children to have what they couldn't, and the children willing to learn in order to provide for their families and contribute to this nation. It was around this time that I decided I would pursue becoming an immigration lawyer and be the hope for these people.


Question 7: I keep in touch with the most important people from back home on a pretty regular basis, some more than others. I am maintaining the relationship with my best friend better than my next best friend or even my parents. This is probably the case because he is of the opposite gender, knows me the best, and he is the one person I truly want to talk to at the end of the day as well as throughout it and tell the most to. I believe this is the case because I have the same resources to communicate with him as I do with my female best friend-text, call, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. My parents and I text or talk on the phone, eliminating social media, which actually eliminates more opportunities for us to talk; social media serves to allow one to talk to others without directly intending to. You see someone on your feed and can comment on a picture, creating some form of interaction, though minimal. The phone or FaceTime are the best platforms to utilize for long distance communication, but other outlets do continue to play a key role in supporting one's relationships. Text, Snapchat, and Instagram are probably the best platforms for keeping in touch with new friends at FSU. The reason for this is because the relationships aren't as developed, yet so students might not be comfortable with utilizing more intimate forms of communication, such as calling, FaceTime, or even Twitter as personal thoughts are shared through this platform depending on who you are. The others are great because a lengthy conversation is not required, and one may see what people's interests are, what they are up to, etc.


1/26/16 Analyzing Artist Statements & Prepping for Peer Review


Both artist statements are ultimately accomplishing clarity for their intended audiences about what they meant their pieces to include and why. The first artist statement reflects on both audience and design. Audience is addressed by the author in stating, “I assert, additionally, that they scale linearly with the level of interest/information of the audience.” In regards to design, the author states that it was consistent throughout the piece, including the author’s personal reflections that are indented and marginalized to signify an aside thought. This is consistent with what design is meant to include; according to the Bedford Book of Genres, design includes “indented paragraphs and little or no decoration…” (236).


The second statement focuses on addressing style; the author states, “I wanted to create a sense of the poetry for the opener,” giving the piece a distinct style. “Adding visuals would increase the reader’s ability to relate,” demonstrating the design of the piece was something truly taken into account.


Both statements serve the same purpose: to declare their purpose and choices. They both address aspects, such as research, style, design, genre, etc., but the differences lie in that the former statement was more direct, and the latter was not as clear in which terms were being addresse


Click here for "Prepping for Peer Review".


2/2/16 Avoiding Plagiarism


The main purpose of the article I read is to explain that speaking another language, whether a second language or not, affects the manner in which one thinks. I found it very interesting that the reason behind the different ways of thinking is the way each language is constructed and used as opposed to the culture, for example the use of "ing" endings in the English language influence English speakers to think in the moment without a future goal (Athanasopoulos, The author of this article, Panos Athanasopoulos and linguistics professor, also stated, "Israeli Arabs are more likely to associate Arab names such as Ahmed and Samir with positive words in an Arabic language context than in a Hebrew one," (Athanasopoulos, This concept is importanct to keep in mind in today's world as there is so much strife between cultures; as a society we need to keep in mind how linguistic ties to a culture play a role in the attitudes toward other peoples; for this reson, it appears the audience for this piece might be people who speak more than one language or just one in order to aid their understanding in why their attitudes differ from others' because of the language they speak. As this phenomenon was already researched, it could easily be further investigated through finding an individual who speaks two different languages and is well-known; Sofia Vergara, for example, would be a great case study as she is the highest-paid t.v. show actress whose first language is Spanish and second is English.


Works Cited


"How the language you speak changes your view of the world." The Conversation US, Inc., 27 April 2015.      


         Web. 2 February 2016.


2/9/16 Solidifying Paper Topics


I, as is my group, am personally invested in this research question because we are women who are interested in gender issues. We are utilizing Carly Fiorina as our example; her contribution is great as she is a prominent female political figure in American society who has been criticized regarding her physical appearance as opposed to her policies. Our audience would specifically be female Donald Trump supporters because he is the one who made the comment regarding Carly Fiorina's appearance, though other voters would certainly benefit from the research project as well. Potential, specific research questions might be: What does the lack of attention toward Donald Trump's sexist comment about Carly Fiorina demonstrate about American views on women? What do Donald Trump's comments about women, like Carly Fiorina, embody about American values and ideals in regards to women? The purpose, therefore, of the research topic is to find why American attitudes toward women are the way they are and to educate the audience about trends; the ultimate goal is for the audience to understand this gender inequality is an issue and express their disagreement with this injustice. An effective platform utilized could be the Huffington Post (for women) or Fox News as this would target women, specifically conservative women. Sources would be scholarly articles on gender inequality and more popular media outlets, like CNN and Fox to receive both liberal and conservative sides' takes on the issue. We could refer to the Huggington Post for women's current articles addressing the situation and those alike as well as Trevor Noah because he has addressed Donald Trump's comments objectifying his daughter.


2/11/16 Make-up


Formal speech, like comedy, includes a recollection of the speaker’s experiences and input but differs because the social commentary is much more explicit; formal speech allows the issues at hand to be addressed whereas comedy requires the subtle mention through humor. Therefore, it can be concluded that formal speech can go deeper into the problems of the topic being discussed. Tone and style can be more serious as the audience is not expecting comic relief from sensitive topics, like the audience is with the genre of comedy. As with Adichie’s speech, when the speech is mainly centered around the speaker’s personal account, it is appropriately the best genre for the occasion whereas it was not for Trevor Noah as it was a different case. A speech is impactful when personal experience and knowledge on the issue are paired to make a case; this speech is impactful because it fulfills those two aspects, and Adichie is so personable through her formal speech, reflecting on her relationship with her roommate in America, her love of American books, and her life in Nigeria.


Jackson Katz’s Ted Talk about Violence against Women demonstrates another example of formal speech; this speech is so effective because Jackson Katz utilizes his experiences as a man in order to provide a clear example on the way society expects men to be.



2/16/16 Introducing the Annotated Bibliography


Bloom, Paul. “First Person Plural.” The Bedford Book of Genres. Eds. Amy Braziller and


            Elizabeth Kleinfield. Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 545-558. Print. 


This essay provides insight on a psychological phenomenon researched by Professor Paul Bloom. It introduces the concept of not being one’s true self at all times through a relatable example: the dentist. This serves to be an example for part of our selves wanting to remember the experience as less painful as the example consists of the dentist asking to end with mild pain. The essay continues to elaborate on the fact that we are different selves at different times in different environments due to different needs, desires, and influences. Ultimately, it concludes that we benefit from our different selves because going too far in one direction is unhealthy. I would plan to utilize this source in my paper in a manner that would justify, or be a clear example, of the individual of my focus. This particular source differs from my other sources because it is distinctly longer and provides a plethora of example, which served to aid my understanding of the topic.


“Having different selves is definitely a phenomenon because I know I possess both ‘the self who wants to be slim and the one who wants to eat cake’”.


2/18/16 Your First Two Annotated Entries


Messner, Michael A.. “The Masculinity of the Governator: Muscle and Compassion in American Politics”. Gender and Society 21.4                         (2007): 461–480. Web...


This journal article serves to explain the role that masculinity, and even hyper masculinity, play and have played in American politics. The author states that men who are masculine and radiate power, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, are accepted by the American public, undermining women’s chances in obtaining leadership positions as well as men who do not abide by traditional gender norms. The solution, the author advocates, is for both men and women to establish compassion as the primary value that should be embodied (Messner, 480).                                   


This source relates to my topic because I am examining the different standards to which male and female candidates are held to, and ultimately what the different standards represent about the value women have for American society. I therefore plan to utilize this source in my paper whenever I go into details about why males dominate politics as allowed by members of American society.                                                                                                                                         


Moreover, this source is an effective addition because it provides a scholarly view and clear example of a person who is hyper masculine and what that symbolizes about American beliefs along with a solution to this prevalent phenomenon, though women specifically are not the focus.


“Arnold Schwarzenegger is the perfect example of a male politician who truly terminates women and men who do not embody hyper masculinity in the political world.”


THE BROADS MUST BE CRAZY - BELITTLED WOMEN. Dir. Elizabeth Warren. Perf. Jon Stewart. The Daily Show. Comedy                     Central, 22 Apr. 2014. Web. 15 Feb. 2016.


This source is unique in that it is a video with a known political stance. In this video, Jon Stewart addresses the fact that women, specifically Hillary Clinton, are criticized for being too emotional to hold office, but male politicians are praised for showing even more emotion (Stewart, The Daily Show). The use of satire provides a great source of social commentary because it effectively criticizes American ideology. This relates to my source because Carly Fiorina was criticized for her physical appearance as opposed to her policies, and female politicians being criticized for showing emotion is another jab at feminine “qualities”. This source is different from the first as it is not serious but rather satirical and also addresses specifically emotions. I will therefore utilize this source as another example and cushion, demonstrating what women are expected to be like and what they are not necessarily like.


“When a woman cries, she is not fit for office, but when a man cries, he has a great love for this country.”


2/23/16 A Variety of Voices #foodforENCthought


Various sources have different perspectives on the food industry. Jimmy Kimmel produced a video in which he demonstrated Americans are not aware of what GMO’s truly are but still engage in the fad of avoiding them. Jimmy Kimmel’s stance on the issue is therefore that Americans blindly follow popular practices but should make an effort in becoming more informed. The tone of Jimmy Kimmel’s show is satirical, or comedic, as he starts out speaking about the issue of GMO's and then transitioning to interview people who act like they know what GMO's are but do not in reality. This is important because it is an effective practice in bringing the American audience to the realization that it does need to become more informed and not simply go along with a trend as fun is being poked at these members. However, other sources may be more effective by providing more insight into the issue.


Another source, "Fad Diets", by Connie Mobley provides insight into this craze. Mobley's tone is to inform the uninformed audience beginning with the popular and simple stating of what is commonly known and ending with what has been revealed and what is not so popular throughout the piece with GMO's impact on oral health specifically (Mobley, 50). The ethos is present as other peer-reviewed sources are utilized; this is a plus, though the light-hearted, comedic voice which produces an impetus in the audience's choices is missing. 


Because the United States is a developed nation, it does not have to worry about producing enough to feed its population; therefore, its citizens have the liberty to decide whether or not they want to eat Genetically Modified Organisms or not. My peer, Kevin Cruz, stated that corn can find its way into almost everything we eat, which is extremely unhealthy and should therefore be avoided, showing a popular concern among Americans. If something is lacking, it would be the knowledge about GMO's and their disadvantages as well as advantages among Americans as the big voices in the food industry are mass producers, who truly advocate processed foods without stating all that is wrong with this practice. It has become more popular, however, for bigger names to demonstrate to the American people what they do not know about their food and that mass production and the processing of foods should cease.


Mobley, Connie. "Fad Diets." The Journal of the American Dental Association. 139.1 (2008):                                                                              

             48-50. Online.


2/24/16 Extra Credit


Part 1

The author, Anakarina Rueda, of the project Potter Watch makes it clear that her audience is the younger population, late teens to late 20s, as this comprises the Harry Potter fan base. Additionally, however, the project attracted a wider audience because of the use of The Onion as a genre, for example. Her ultimate purpose was to prove that Harry Potter can be used for moral development. The author’s style of variety truly contributes in making the project purposeful as several genres are used from a social media platform to a satirical news source. In regards to rhetorical appeals, the most prevalent were logos and ethos because the author’s purpose was to prove that Harry Potter could be utilized in schooling, like other novels of high caliber. Ethos was evident amidst the research used in order to build credibility and demonstrate to readers the topic was therefore serious. For these same reasons, pathos was the rhetorical appeal that was not particularly used in Rueda’s piece. If it was, it might be noticeable and detract from among the information given and logic provided in justification of adding Harry Potter to school curriculum or of it being an effective tool in developing one’s moral and intellectual compass. As an author, one must know when it is appropriate to use certain appeals, and Rueda gracefully followed through with her purpose refraining from the use of pathos and rather utilizing logos and ethos to complement her sophisticated style.                                                                                       


In my opinion, the author’s wide range of genres, such as The Onion, allowed an effective contrast in genres and served to attract a wider audience, and is probably what I enjoyed most about this unique piece. From the project as a whole, one can gather that the author truly enjoys Harry Potter and feels that it helped her develop as a person and student and wants to argue it can do the same for others in formal schooling.


Part 2

My visit to the Digital Studio allowed me to learn about their purpose and everything they have to offer students. I spoke with Amanda Burkes, and she provided insight to my questions.

Me: “So what is the purpose of the symposium?”

Amanda: “Well, the purpose really is to showcase undergraduate and graduate students’ work, and what the Digital Studio does to guide them and present their work.”

Me: “Ok, so what kind of things could I benefit from at the Digital Studio?”

Amanda: “Yeah, so for example, ENC 2135 students can come here and view previous projects made by other students in the past for that same course.”

Me: “Great, thank you so much.”

Amanda: “Yeah, feel free to stick around for a presentation or some food.”


2/25/16 Targeting an Audience


The two sources I read were “Why You Should Stop Watching Football” and “Why Football Matters”, there clearly being a contrast between the two. The first article’s author utilizes a personal account, his mother’s dementia, and statistics of football injuries, to justify his stance on why football is more detrimental than beneficial. The sources the author relies on the most are probably academic because of all the data gathered, which brings the audience to realize that this is a real issue worth considering if people out there have calculated statistics on the issue. The second source does the same essentially; it utilizes academic sources to support his experience as an “everyday” source mainly; this would allow the audience to comprehend that the most logical side is what the author is arguing against and that he is speaking on his personal experience and knowledge gathered from football to counter the argument that the dangers football poses are more important than the values football fosters.


In regards to tone I would say the first article is reflective and true; the author has played football and states he loves it, which provides the audience as a seemingly unbiased source, simply stating that the true nature of football is dangerous. The second author’s tone is probably more assertive; through this tone he, as a man who played football, is intending to prove football “makes a man out of boys”.


The article that most convinced me is the first because in addition to my previous knowledge about the dangers of football and the football industry, the author radiated truth by bringing in both experience and acceptance of how fun football is but how dangerous it can be as well. His particular comment about football promoting violence, misogyny, and militarism hit home with me, being a woman who is aware of gender roles, advocated for by society of men being strong and aggressive, solidified by football.


My paper deals with the similar issue of gender roles, and I learned through these articles than an effective way to reach one’s audience is to bring in both academic and everyday sources as everyday experiences provide a genuineness to bring the argument home after the logic is provided.


3/15/16 Working with Quotes


Later stages of life are often defined by decreasing activity and health, many seniors retire or are unable to work due to medical issues. Some seniors are able to turn to their spouses or adult children for support but LGBT seniors who are forced to stay in the workforce might not have the same family support system as other seniors. A major factor in why LGBT seniors might struggle is that the senior population overall deals with widespread poverty, but generally heterosexual seniors have a built-in support system (Cubanski). According to a study by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, “Gay seniors are four times less likely than their straight counterparts to have children or grandchildren to support them and twice as likely to live alone,” (Branson-Potts 2015). Those statistics might change thanks to the recognition of same sex marriage making adoptions and custody agreements, however these changes may have come too late for most seniors of today to start families. 


The comment is as follows: “Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”


As stated by Donald Trump, “Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”


3/22/15 Introduction to the Composition in Three Genres


The purpose of this composition is to argue and prove that allowing young girls to watch Disney movies will influence them when they are older to believe a man will complete them. I believe the author chose this genre of two distinct thought processes because it portrays the exact logic behind one who believes Disney movies are harmless and vice versa. Portraying the dialogues side by side emphasizes this point as the comparison is laid out for the reader. The author seems to be reaching out to parents in particular who believe Disney movies are harmless because the argument from the person who disagrees with Disney princesses’ role in movies has more truth to it. The tone of the piece is a bit aggressive, and this might be appropriate because many do not take how this issue affects the female population seriously but also might not be as feminists are usually characterized as “angry” and as “man-haters”. Including sources could be a way to improve this composition as it would add more support.


A second genre serves the same purpose of the overall composition but particularly underscores how females will be treated in the future in regards to their physical aspect post-Disney movies. The genre of an advertisement for plastic surgery does the best job of achieving this purpose because it demonstrates something innocent turns into something drastic and makes it appear as the norm. The author is trying to reach those who might dismiss Disney princess movies as harmful because this plastic surgery is a drastic step to take at a young age in order to fulfill something that has been fed to a young population. The tone is sarcastic, and it is appropriate for the audience because it proves how ridiculous it is to educate our girls in a subservient manner. Adding sources could improve the composition as this would add ethos and more voice. 


3/29/16 Working with Websites


The purpose of this website is to satirically draw attention to first world problems and demonstrate that though they are not pressing problems, there is not an easy fix like the easy fixes we expect in the first world; the problems actually have to be worked on. This is done while benefiting people with actual problems in third world countries by providing monetary aid to those with HIV/AIDS. The site is directed toward people living in the first world as those living in the third world would not be familiar with these problems as they have to prioritize other issues. The background image color as white works well because it reminds the audience of very fancy type of things with this color background, such as the Apple store or the Coach store.


The second website I looked at had the purpose of portraying the work that was accomplished throughout ENC 2135; for example, under the project 3 tab specifically the purpose was informing the audience who was unaware of the adoption process or looking into adoption process about how it works. The site seems like it is trying to connect with the professor as well with students browsing the work because it embodies academia in its tone as well as follows the guidelines of ENC 2135’s website requirements. The background color as white works well because the works that are the main component of the website are emphasized. The broken-up organization of the main projects aids the purpose of reaching the audience as the information is not overwhelming.


3/31/16 Working on Wix


My feedback for Chandelier: In the About Me section, I believe the rest of the statement is cut off at the end; I would also suggest here that changing the waves as the background or maybe choosing another picture of waves so that the words are not covered before scrolling. Under the projects tab, I am not sure if this is a feature of the site format you chose, but I would prefer the projects to be visible before I scrolled over because someone could potentially miss Project 1 or 3 if they do not scroll over a particular area (same thing with the Writing tab). For your Project 2 tab, I think you should indent the paragraphs or make it double spaced, essentially just create more space between words because when I first saw it, it was overwhelming to me. Again, with the Project 3 tab I think you should have more space between paragraphs. Also, you have the same font for the Project 2 and 3 tabs but different for the first; maybe consider having different fonts for each tab or the same one for all. For the first section under the Writing tab I would consider changing it because the words are hard to read at times. For the Avoiding Plagiarism, I know we had to highlight, but it’s kind of straining to my eyes so maybe it would be for others so doing something about that could improve the page.


My feedback for Hannah: Okay, delete all the stuff you’re not going to use, like the “I’m a paragraph” textboxes and music booking sections. Also, I was kind of confused when I clicked on the Project 3 tab, and it took me to a blank page because there is only one subsection; I recommend working with that so others do not think there is a problem with the website, like I did. For the Project 2 proposal tab, use a more appealing font and font size as well as indent so the paragraphs are separate and do not look to overwhelming to the audience as well as with a lot of the others under the Writing tab.


Hannah's feedback for me: I really like the layout of your wix page. I feel like the project 2 tab should be with the other tabs. As well as I feel like the border on the header should extend towards the entire length of the page in order for it to look better aesthetically. Also project 2 itself should be on the wix page I think. Not just a link to it. Additionally,  I think that the about page should be one of the first tabs on the wix page, instead of a secondary tab. I think that there should be something more viewer friendly such as additional links or pictures, to give it more of a website feel. Overall, I really liked your wix page and I liked the overall design of it.


Chandelier's feedback for me: First off i rather liked your background but personally I think it would be best to change it because after a while it was difficult on the eyes, especially if you are reading a lot on a website. Im not sure if it is my computer (it most likely is) but the transitions are difficult to follow. BUT i really did enjoy the minimalist design of the writing layout and the simple to read nature of you writing style. Your project one was difficult to read perhaps when you formatted it for the webpage it changed the layout. I would also suggest adding pictures and other visual tools. OVERALL I really like your website, your voice stood out the most in it, and in my book thats all that matters. Thank you. 


4/14/16 Reflecting on ENC2135


“All three of them agreed: Writing skills not only matter in a tech career, they matter a lot,” is the statement that I believe to be the thesis statement of the first article. The statement that caught my attention was “Writing well is for everyone. Engineers included.” The reason for this being is that this sentence is challenging, and it sets the tone quite frankly for the end of the article and gets its point across if it was not understood before: writing is a skill needed by all.                    


For the second article I believe the thesis statement to be, “It appears that even a college degree doesn't save businesses from the effects of poor writing skills.” The statement that most resonated with me was, “…only 50 percent of seniors felt their writing skills had improved over the course of their four-year education,” because it justifies the thesis and demonstrates writing is a weakness in many, though still an essential skill.


Peer Review Workshop: Making Project 3 Purposeful


Chandelier: I really enjoy how you’re adapting historical concepts in an engaging manner with the first Instagram genre because it will be effectively received by the student audience. The second, as it is on Buzz feed also carries out this purpose of educating and reaching the audience. You could possibly make the Instagram more interactive by having people comment their answers. In regards to presenting, you really just need to find a way to elaborate on the topic and continue to explain why you have chosen your particular genres.


Hannah: Your video of a sample of FSU students answering why they are happy is a cool idea; I am excited to see how you develop it. Remember to not lose sight of connecting it to your topic of how people perceive mental illness. Your second genre, gifs on Buzz feed, is also unique, but do not forget to provide insight after each individual gif in order to provide explanations of its relevance to your project. In your presentation, I would say to follow up on your genres by justifying your genre choices and enlightening us, the student audience, on faulty mental illness perceptions and why this is important.




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